#BEYOND.ARTISTRY + CH@TROOM : Should Wizkid and Beyounce Be on Your Playlist?

We sent out a blackberry messenger broadcast earlier today about the kind of music available to people. We got a couple of responses but one that struck us was from Bayo Okeowo, the publisher of IN HIS STEPS magazine.

Mr Bayo made us know that the topic had been treated in the current edition of their publication and we asked for the manuscript. Indeed, its an interesting read and opens the reader to a lot more about secular and gospel music/movies.  

Chatroom is a creation of In His Steps. It is lived out on the streets and then transcribed here for you to read. We go about discussing issues that are generally of concern to the 21stcentury youth and voice those questions on your mind with the aim of striking the balance based on what God’s Word says. Feel free to comment below or by sending us a mail at info@inhistepsmag.org


Adeiza:  Expressing my personal opinion, I really think we should consider this carefully. We should remember our calling. Who are we? We are Christians. A Christian is someone who is like Christ. Next is to consider if all those things that are healthy to your calling. Your calling/purpose on earth is the primary reason you are here. Everything that works against it, you are really going to give an account. Some things in our lives are not necessarily sin but they are weights that can pull us down. And the Bible has said we should lay aside every weight that so easily besets us.

Bayo: So in your own opinion, is secular music a ‘No’?

Adeiza: (Laughs) it’s a No for me

Bayo: So you are telling me that if I go on your playlist, I won’t see any secular song

Adeiza: No you won’t

Corrine: I am a music person and I think this issue is relative. A school of thought argues that if the music you are listening to was not inspired by God and does not give glory to God, then it is not of God. But there are some times some songs either make you move your head or resonate with a particular feeling you have.

Bayo: Uh huh *singing in wiz kid’s voice* I love my baby, that’s my baby…

Corrine: No! Not that. For me, sometimes I listen to Celine Dion because I love her voice and she is a powerful singer. Sometimes, her lyrics make me make sense of the way I feel at times. I won’t listen to Lil Wayne and the likes. As a Christian however, we have the gift of discernment. You should be able to know when what you are listening to is corrupting your spirit. There are some songs you listen to where they are talking about guns, drugs, sex and so on and as a child of God these are not things you should be feeding your spirit with. Before you are flesh, you are spirit and that spirit inside of you can either be fed with the things of God or the things of the world.

Dayo: I am a romantic by nature, so I am in love with love songs. But these days, the songs are becoming very sinful. So if you go on my playlist now, you won’t find any secular song

Bayo: Really?!

Dayo: Yeah

Bayo: Should we all pull out our phones and go through those playlists? Ok, shall we define what secular means? Who and what is secular? R. Kelly for instance sang ‘Storm is Over’ and it ended up in church. And we all know R. Kelly isn’t exactly your typical gospel artist. Do we steer clear of certain songs because of the lyrics or because of the artist’s lifestyle? And if we judge based on the artist’s lifestyle, how do you know who lives right?

Corrine: I think it is a bit of both really. You cannot give what you do not have. Most times, when you see secular artists dabbling into inspirational or tending towards gospel, you will wonder how come. But you eventually see them going back to their core. Who you are is what you give out. It’s therefore both the lyrics and the personality

Bayo: Now Adeiza, I am going to take you up on this. You have said categorically that secular songs are a No-No on your playlist. I want to believe you know that I am child of God, right? So if tomorrow, I release a non-gospel album are you saying you won’t buy my CD? Even though you are aware of my faith and in my lyrics I’m not spitting profanity

Adeiza: Goes back to what you asked Corrine and her response being that you cannot separate the individual from the content of his music. Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks. So if u are born of God, it’s only good stuff that will come out of you. Let’s get this now, secular does not mean ‘BAD’ Secular is just of the world

Bayo: Are we forgetting the scripture ‘be ye not conformed to the world…’?

Dayo: We are in the world but not of the world. We are to remain heavenly conscious. Or will you say that since your shirt was made by a non-Christian, you won’t wear it?

Bayo: Back to the issue Adeiza. The fact that I start singing secular tomorrow, does that change things? Will you put me on your playlist?

Adeiza: I may not put you on my playlist because what you might be singing may not be edifying to me. But like I said, secular doesn’t necessarily mean ‘BAD’

Bayo: Ok, so if you are saying secular does not necessarily mean ‘bad’ why should you blame anyone for listening to artists like Asa (for instance). Besides are you aware that some gospel artists have cross carpeted.

Adeiza: The fact that someone was once saved does mean they stay saved. The Bible says let he that thinks he stands, take heed lest he falls.

Dayo: Besides, I believe that if as a Christian artist you are singing to the point of people of the world giving you a pat on the back, then you need to check yourself.

Bayo: What if that pat on the back was in response to the fact that they have been hit by the word of God or the message of your music and they are beginning to see a different light. Jesus wasn’t sent to the saved…

Dayo: Yeah, He wasn’t but the Jews who didn’t want to accept Him, rejected Him! They didn’t give Him a pat on the back

Bayo: But hold up! Aren’t we meant to shine as light and bring glory to our Father in heaven? So why should it be a problem if the secular applauds my talent especially when they know I still rep for God! God has blessed us all with talents. Are you telling me that we all must find an expression for our talents within the church? 

Corrine: Let me say it this way. We all know Tyler Perry. I haven’t personally heard Tyler Perry come out to say I’m Christian…

Bayo: Everybody knows Tyler Perry is a Christian. That much is clear

Corrine: Well…I have never personally heard him say so. But I know he claims to be a Christian.  I will say he is one of the best producers of stage plays. All his plays talk about morality and things we Christians generally agree with. Will you now say because he is not a declared Christian movie producer, you will not watch his plays? I know that our talents cannot find their fullest expression outside of God but I do not agree that when people outside of church applaud your skill, then you are not on track.

Bayo: Ok who hasn’t seen the movie Titanic?

Adeiza: I haven’t

Bayo: You haven’t?! What planet are you from?

Adieza: I am working towards it. I respect James Cameron as a producer. What I am going for is the collector’s edition. I am not seeing the movie because I think it will entertain me. I want to see his talent and learn how he pulled it off.  I have Avatar for instance.

Bayo: I believe that music and movies are intertwined especially in terms of the mode of communication
Adeiza: I am not saying I respect their content. But I sure do respect their talent

Bayo: So there is no movie which you’ve respected the content?

Adeiza: What I am trying to say is that my motive for going for those movies is to observe the talent and not the content.

Corrine: But did you enjoy the content at the end of the day? Good talent will breed good content don’t you think?

Adeiza: I respected the content

Bayo: Now if we go by the earlier assertion that there is a spirit communicated when people deliver their talent, will I be right to say that James Cameron must have communicated a certain spirit through his movies?

All: Yes

Bayo: So is James Cameron a Christian

Adeiza: I don’t know 

Bayo: Well…we might as well start streamlining our movie choices to Passion of the Christ, Facing the Giants, Fireproof and the Mount Zion collections. Because who are we to assume that because someone claims to be a gospel artist, then he has the capability to bless the God-way. Some of our gospel artists battle with issues which are not godly because they are still men at their best. Why then despise secular artists when even your gospel artists are not perfect

Adeiza: The premise upon which we make that decision is the fact that secular artists are not born again. Let me tell you something about the righteous man: he falls 7 times but he gets back up again. That singular fact that we are born again distinguishes us

Dayo: We as Christians have made the commitment to follow Christ. Anything that goes outside the Bible, we should not consider following it. If God’s word has given me a blueprint for how to live my life and there is someone living it in a way contrary to the specs, why should I join in? If you do not celebrate and respect my God, then I have nothing to do with you, I should not look up to you or listen to your songs

Adeiza: Remember that the devil quoted scriptures too. So don’t be deceived. It is the quality of the God-life inside a person that is of utmost importance.

Bayo: Ok, all what you have said may not have convinced someone just yet. Someone is still saying right now that: Hey as long as there are no cuss words and the words inspire me, then it’s alright. Can you tell such people then why you believe it is not cool?

Corrine: It basically boils down to what I said from the onset. If you are a child of God, then you should steer clear of anything that is not in tandem with God’s will for our lives. Music has a way of speaking to you sometimes in ways words can’t. As a child of God, you should be able to draw the line. Anything that does not feed the spirit of God inside of you should not be part of your life. Whether you are listening to it as a song, watching it as a movie, playing it as a game or reading it as a book. If it does not encourage you to do something that will please God, then I don’t think it is worth it. The fact that you have some inappropriate songs on your playlist at the moment does not mean you should beat yourself up about it. Rather, ask yourself a few questions and retrace your steps

Adeiza: There is no mentorship you want which you can’t find in Jesus. We need not go outside of Christ to find fulfillment. Scriptures say: in Him we live, we move and have our being. We must work with the sensitivity of Jesus. The fact that it sounds right doesn’t make it right. The devil spoke the Word to Jesus and it could have sounded right if not because of our Lord’s sensitivity. So the fact that some musicians ‘make sense’ doesn’t mean you should go for it. We have wasted enough time being unbelievers, now that we have turned our lives over to Christ, we should quit making stop-overs at things of the world. We need to redeem the time for the days are evil. God will only use us to the level to which we are yielded. Our task here on earth is to get souls into heaven. People who are still oscillating and vacillating are those who are not conscious of the gravity of that assignment.

Dayo: If we learn to love God, then we will yearn to please Him. When you have a passion and zest for the things of God, naturally the passion for things of the world dies. I love my Father and want to please Him.
Bayo: Thanks guys. Now here is what I will make sure I do. I will ensure I attend each of your weddings when the time comes and I must not hear any secular song being played, even if it is just for you to dance with your bride or groom.

Music is powerful. It has a spirit. Satan used to be the chief musician in heaven. As a matter of fact, we were made to know in the scriptures (Isaiah 14:11) that parts of his body were made up of different instruments. Hence, you will see that the devil knows more than a handful when it comes to music. There is a God side to music as well as the devil’s side to music. So you want to be sure you are on the right side and constantly ask God for the spirit of discernment.
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